
JUXTAPOSITION is the placement of two or more unrelated things near to each other.  It provokes comparison and contrast.  Artists use juxtaposition to draw attention to certain objects.  It makes us think more carefully about the objects that are put together and why.

REVERSAL involves flipping images or objects around to change the way that they are viewed or perceived.  Reflections and mirror images are commonly used to create reversal.

DISTORTION involves stretching, lengthening, shortening, squeezing, melting and twisting an object from its original appearance to a new, strange, surreal appearance. 


DISPLACEMENT involves relocating or transposing an object from its usual environment to one that it does not usually belong.  Displacement is used to create artworks that are strange or surreal.

FRAGMENTATION involves cutting or smashing pieces of an image and/or creating an effect that appears to segment the artwork into smaller pieces.  Cubism is an effect of fragmenting.  The appearance of broken glass can also be considered fragmentation.

EXAGGERATION involves enlarging parts of an image to an unreal size creating unbalance, emphasis and/or interest in parts of the artwork.

Like a caterpillar that becomes a butterfly, metamorphosis is the processing of changing one object into another object.

An art element repeated over and over to create a pattern. This can also be referred to as a tessellation.

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